Karlstad • B-singing with Bones for Life®

16 april, 10.00-12.00

B-singing with Bones for Life®

Address: Sundbergsgatan 12 A, Karlstad

Performers: Berit Norberg, certified Bones for Life®-instructor, and participants.

More info: Bones for Life® is a new, revolutionary and concentrated form of training, so called Applied Feldenkrais, developed from studies of African Water Carrier’s walk and The Feldenkrais Method®.

B-singing and Bones for Life® offers guidance for all kind of voice users by using awareness of movements in many different variations in connection with sound, speech and singing. Giving various information to the brain we integrate the movements with rhythmical pulsations into an organized harmonious coordination.

The benefit from BFL for voice users is improved balance, posture, breathing and easy, flexible functional movement characterized by stability, energy efficiency and freedom.


Website: www.beritnorberg.nu

Contact person: Berit Norberg, berit@beritnorberg.nu